Friday, June 5, 2009

June 4, 2009

Our last "hoorah" with Kim and family was the Toledo Zoo. It was a beautiful day, spent well with each other, including the grandparents. It is so sad to see them go. I am looking forward to planning a trip out to see them in early July. Jacob had a great time spending the night at Grandma's with his cousins. He was weepy-eyed on the way home from the zoo because he wanted to go back to Grandma & Grandpa P's house. He even told me, "Grandma's bed is more cozy than mine. And I love Grandma more than you." "Why?," I ask innocently. "Because she's a spoiler. Why can't you be a spoiler?," he asks. "That's Grandma's job," I say! :)

After the zoo, we headed (a bit on a whim) to Aunt Bev's house. Kendall slept in the car the whole way and woke up at Aunt Bev's driveway. I asked if she knew where she was and she said, "Aunt Bev's" with a puzzled look! I installed some security software on her new laptop while the kids played. Mom met us over there in time for dinner ordered from the Twist (local ice cream place), which was prepared by Haley! We got home about 8-ish and straight to bed the kids went.
Jacob has taken HUNDREDS of photos with "his" digital camera (a Bean). The photo today was taken with his camera. I also uploaded several videos he has taken with his camera. The video below is probably in January/February. It is just a typical 2-minutes of on the phone (no idea he was video-ing), Kendall coloring, a squabble between Jacob & Kendall. It has it all! :)

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