Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 15, 2009

This week starts Safety Township at the Monclova Elementary school, so Jacob is enrolled in the morning session. Kendall and I met with playgroup at Side Cut Metropark briefly before we had to pick Jacob back up.

Lisa was gracious to invite us and Angel & her children to swim at her house in the afternoon. It was a perfect day for it. She got out the slip & slide for the kids, as you can see from HER pictures (thanks for sharing them, Lisa). Kendall never slid, just caaaaarefully walked down the plastic. Lisa definitely spoiled the kids with WARM water running through the hose to the slip & slide. :)

Mark sub-ed in an O-I golf league tonight, so I made banana pancakes for dinner. Breakfast for dinner is always a treat when Mark isn't home since he doesn't like to mix up the meals. :) Anyway, the pancakes were SOO good, we all stuffed ourselves. Actually, I don't know if they tasted so good because of my cooking skills or because we were famished from an afternoon of swimming.....my guess is the latter!

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