Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

This is my weed patch. I think I mentioned before that we have not mulched for several years....well, this is the result. Just a couple weeks ago I had every single weed out of they are all back. I've read up on eradicating thistles and my research tells me it is quite hard to do. They have a very deep and resistant root system. Oh, I did learn...the more you pull them, the more they "wake up" and grow even hardier & multiply. That may explain some of my dire situation. Well, I dosed them all with Round-Up today. If I'm lucky, it will penetrate to the root and I will not have killed any good trees/shrubs/flowers! :)

There is light at the end of the tunnel....Mark and I went to Select Stone yesterday and narrowed our stone choice to two. We got a sample of each stone and brought it home to see which looks the best. So, as soon as I can get the weeds under control, we will have 15 tons of stone delivered to cover our 1,450 s.f. of landscaping in our front yard. That will be a back breaking job, but SO worth having our yard look nice again.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

That makes me think that I need to get off my lazy butt and go weed my much for a night with my feet up!! Can't wait to see pics of the landscaping with the new stone.